Monday, August 27, 2007


(圖片引用自Good Magazine)
今天跟老闆請了個假,跑去聽上次招待過的米哈里的兒子(MIT不會講中文的那位)的演講。真的很過癮, especially to hear all of the professor's artistic ideas coming from a psychological, societal, historical, and political point of view...he's trying to make his invention of technology closer to human nature, or to say, bridge the two so that the technology can meet people's real needs in the society. I think it is really inspiring how he demonstrates the works he and his students have been doing and how did the projects start out with goals to solve the problems for the war or just some daily life events. As a result, I had raised a question targeting toward some Taiwanese's needs, that is, have he or other people in MIT ever thought about building robot partners for women so that they have their needs from males met by the robots. He mentioned there were female robots built for that purpose, that has all the sexual function that men mostly need from women, but no male robots yet.

Chris's article about killer robots on Good Magazine is here!

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